lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

Three original sessions to be fitness

HI EVERYONE!!! Today I will give you three fantastic and original sessions of training to be fitness, this sessions are especially designed for improving endurance but if you want another type of training put it on the comments and I will bring it to you if I can, let's go with the session!!! This sessions will be for those people that don't have enough time to do some sport and for improve their fitness. One thing to add is that this three sessions only have one difference, the main part, I mean, the warm up and de cool down are compulsory, then you chose the main part.

  • WARM UP (25'): This is an essential part of the session as this part prevent injuries while doing the session. It has several parts, we will dive it in four parts, the first one is 10 minutes runnig but very slow, remember we are warming up!!! The second one will be 5 minutes of streching (all parts of our body). The third one will be also 5 minutes but this time we are going to do some push-ups and sit-ups (20 of each one and repeat until you have been 5 minutes doing it), and last but not lest is 5 minutes of technical running (lift kness, calf raises, etc...).

This is me running to warm up, as you can see, you don't run too fast, this is for prevent injuries.

  • FARTLEK TRAINING (10'): This is the main part of the session, and maybe you will find it a bit difficult, but it isn´t as difficult as it is. First of all you have to find a closed circuit of 400 meters more or less because of the pattern I will give you need it (you can addapt the pattern but be careful), the pattern is very easy to remember, is: 1 lap at 50% of intensity + 100 meters at 80% of intensity + the rest of the lap at 60% of intensity. It can intimidate you but believe me isn't as hard as it's looks like.

This are two videos of me practising this Fartlek training. Remember that the purpose of this excercise is to run with different intensities, so you have to note when you are running about 50/60% and when about 80%.

  • CONTINUOUS TRAINING(15'): In this main part you just will have to run 15 minutes with and intensity about 65%. You will find it quite simple but is very complicated to be constant with the same rhythm, so you will need to practice this more than one time.

This is me running at night (I recommend it in summer due to the temperature at least here in Spain), and as you can see you need to be constant with the intensity to have good results.

  • INTERVAL TRAINING: This one is quite harder than the others, so try before the others and then this one. In this one you have to find a circuit about 400 meters long, then you have to follow this pattern ( 3 laps to your circuit (1200 meters in total) and in each lap do the half of it at a 55%, then 10'' at an 85% and finally the rest of the lap at a 60%), you have to do this pattern 3 times to run about 3,6 Km with the variation of intensity. You will find yourselves tired but that´s normal, try to improve it with the time.

  • COOL DOWN (10'): This is the last part of the session and you don't have to run more fortunately for you jajajaja, forget the joke, now you can go walking to your house and when you are in your house, you take a mat and you have to be 10 minutes streching to relax all your muscles after the effort for not to feel tired the next day.

This a picture of me streching after one of my sessions, remember to do this every time you practice any sport!!!

This is everything, I hope this can help you to keep fitness guys ;) , see you soon!!!

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